Sesungguhnya aku tinggalkan kepada kamu 2 perkara yang sekiranya kamu berpegang dengan teguh dan mengikuti kedua-duanya, nescaya kamu tidak akan tersesat selama-lamanya. Itu adalah Al-QURAN dan SUNNAHKU - Khutbah Terakhir Nabi Muhammad S.A.W
1. Wanita yang meninggal dunia sebelum berkahwin. "wanita yang meninggal dunia sebelum berkahwin akan dikahwinkan oleh Allah SWT di syurga kelak dengan seorang lelaki di kalangan ahli syurga... Rasullullah SAW bersabda " Tiada si bujang di dalam syurga" (Muslim). Ini kerana ada juga lelaki belum berkahwin yang meninggal dunia."
2. Wanita yang meninggal dunia setelah diceraikan dan tidak berkahwin sesudahnya. "Wanita ini juga akan dikahwinkan oleh Allah SWT dengan lelaki daripada ahli syurga"
3. Wanita yang meninggal dunia sedangkan suaminya tidak masuk syurga "Begitu juga wanita yang meninggal dunia yang masuk syurga sedangkan suaminya tidak masuk syurga, akan di kahwinkan oleh Allah dengan serorang daripada lelaki yang masuk syurga."
4. Wanita yang meninggal dunia setelah berkahwin. "Wanita ini akan berada bersama suaminya di syurga kelak sekiranya suaminya masuk syurga"
5. Wanita yang kematian suami dan tidak berkahwin sesudahnya "Wanita ini akan kekal bersama suaminya yang dikahwini di dunia sekiranya suaminya masuk syurga"
6. Wanita yang kematian suami dan berkahwin sesudahnya "Wanita yang kematian suami dan berkahwin lain akan bersama lelaki yang terakhir dikahwininya di dunia tidak kira berapa kali dia berkahwin. Suami yang terakhir adalah suaminya di syurga sekiranya suami itu menjadi ahli syurga. Rasullullah SAW bersabda. "wanita adalah kepunyaan suaminya yang terakhir".
Semalam aku dapat gaji.... pastu semalam jugak boss telah menaikan gaji aku sebanyak RM400... tp itu memang skali dengan duit minyak dan dan duit KWSP,Sokso pn dia telah potong dan sebagainya. Nak capai target saving aku memang lambat sket... dlm acc maybank ada dlm RM4.5k +- cm tu.... nak cecah RM10k fuh,memang lambat laa..ada kat 5 bulan lagi baru cukup RM10k... itu pn klu aku tak berbelanja sangat...huhu..., dlm acc bank islam pn ada lagi duit...hua hua hua...lupa lak duit yg ada dlm bank islam...sengal... cm mna leh lupa duit nih. Calculate +- dlm 3@4 bulan lagi cecah laa saving aku ke Rm10k
Ari tu aku jumpa classmate aku iaitu Ichah.Sekarang class skg,dh jadi Production Manager dekat kilang readymix yg dinamakan Trustar Corp. Hebat tuh Production Manager. Gaji mesti kat RM2k...mengalahkan aku lak gaji dia nih...haha. Gaji RM2k sudah dikira banyak tu kalau kt kelantan. Kalau kat luar payah laa nak idup ng gaji RM2k tuh... BTW,kalau gaji RM1k pn dh cukup kaya dh,kiranya dh boleh survived dah idup kt kelantan. Tarah hidup kat kelantan rendah jek berbanding ng taraf hidup kt luar.
Ada aku baca 1 berita,sorang isteri yang bergaji Rm4400 tak mampu nak tampung family...uish...biar benar... boros ke haper...hehe...Apa pn kita mesti berjimat cermat laa dari sekarang. Simpanan untuk masa depan.
Sebelum ini aku pn ada buat pool, samaada nak beli pc baru,modd kereta,simpan untuk kawen atau lain...majority kata simpan untuk kawen. Dan aku percaya para voter tu ada experience dan ada yg dh kawen...perit gak erk nak kumpul duit untuk kawen...byk belanja katakan...
1) Samy Velu on pos laju "BESOK KIRIM, HARI INI SAMPAI" 2) The one on TV when in trying to say he was ashamed, he said:`Kemaluan saya besar` 3) On drugs, "Jangan hisap dada" 4) Samy said in a ceramah "Kita akan bina satu jambatan untuk orong-orong kampong disini", one pakcik asked, "Datuk, sini takde sungai,buat apa bina jambatan?" and Samy glorious replied,"Kalau takde sungai, kita bina sungai!" 5) Samy's favorite quote on national television "Toll naik sikit, manyak marah saya. You ingat semua ini toll saya punya bapa punya kah!" 6) During the water shortage crisis : "semua orang diminta jgn membuang aiyerr..!" 7) During blood donation campaign in Sg Siput: "..marilah kita semua menderma dara.." 8) During the opening speech of various function: "...selamat datang saudara-mara semua.." (actually is "saudara-saudari") 9) At an opening ceremony: "mempersilakan datin paduka rafidah aziz naik ke pentas utk membuka kain" 10)Commenting about his modesty: "sebenarnya, kemaluan saya sangat-sangat besar"
And lastly u know why our N-S Highway concessionaire is named PLUS.
PLUS = Pungut Lebih Untuk Samy
P/S: Mampus aku kena tahan ng ISA klu Samy Value baca nih...keke
Skg aku ada budget mencukupi melabut keatas 2 barang iaitu beli PC baru @ Modd Kereta
1) Beli PC baru
Budget dalam RM2000 - RM2500k Spec belum decided lagi,tp dh cukup power klu budget RM2k -RM2.5k tuh
2) Modd Kereta
Tambah spoiler Tambah Bodykit atau pasang satu2 sikit2 iaitu bumper depan n belakang n skirt Tambah Tinted cerima kereta kepada yg baru..Tintet yg sedia ada mungkin akan ditukar ganti pasal dh 5 tahun xtukar tintet cermin kereta tuh. Tukar exzos yg lebih sedap bunyinya Tukar cat baru kerete dari kaler hijau kancil asal kepada kaler dark red @ Merah Gen-2
Klu ada bugdet lebih lagi, aku nak tukar skali system air-conditioner engine...
Today,there r number of wesites,which offer you webspace and areasonable good URL,for free.This service has become most popularas it is the easiest and fastest way of puting up ur site on net,getting an identity for ur self and becoming a part of huge web.
But The problem is they put Huge banners In that free sevice .
How To remove that?
its easy
follow the steps down
The banners Which r embedded r just about the only source of income for these websites,so if u r caught carrying out any of the below 'No Banner'
tricks,then u would possible lose ur account. So BEWARE!!!
For Geocities,,angel fire,freeservers,50 megs,fortune city,netscape
place the below code after the end HTML tag:
Place the below code any where on the page:
the above snippet will give an error and normally no other Java script code would be executed,so no banner would be displayed.however ,it doesn't work in all cases ,so there is yet another Hack for angelfire:Surround the BODY tag with the below code
If in case any thing doesn't work I am not responsible
if u want for any other free webhost i will give req here
The tutorial is all about getting your site listed on top in Search Engines i.e Search Engine Optimization
First thing you need to do is find the keywords you want to optimize for.
There is great tool by Overture (/
But I would suggest using this free tool called GoodKeywords (/
This one does the same job as Overture does but it also supports other Search Engines (Lycos and Teoma etc..)
For example if you want to optimize for the keyword "tech news", just search for the keyword in any of the tools specified above... It would show you keywords related to that and not of the searches..
Pick the keywords which are related to your site.
For example when you search for "Tech News" you'll see the following results:
Count Search Term
11770 tech news
351 itt news tech
191 high tech news
60 news tech texas
49 computer tech news
42 bio news tech
34 in itt news tech
30 news tech virginia
29 asia news tech
25 hi tech news
25 sci tech news
Now see what other terms are related to your keyword technology news
Do couple of searches like that and note down around 15-20 keywords.
Then, keep the keywords which are searched most on the top.
Now you need Title Tag for the page.
Title tag should include top 3 keywords, like for "tech news" it can be like :
"Latest Tech News, Information Technology News and Other computer raleted news here."
Remember that characters should not be more than 95 and should not have more than 3 "," commas - some search engines might cosider more than 3 commas as spam
Now move on to Meta Tags
You need following Meta Tags in web page
No need to have other meta tags like abstract, re-visit and all, most people dont read it.
This tag is tells content type is html and character set used it iso-8859-1 there are other character sets also but this is the one mosty used..
This one should have all your keywords inside starting from keyword with most counts...
keyword tag for our example would be something like :
Remember to put around 15-20 keywords max not more than that. Dont repeat keywords or dont put keywords like, "tech news", "info tech news", "latest tech news" and so on...
Provide short decription about your site and include all the keywords mentioned in the title tag.
Decription tag should be:
It can be upto 255 characters and avoid using more than 3 "," commas
This is used for search robots..following explanation will help you :
index,follow = index the page as well as follow the links
noindex,follow = dont index the page but follow the links
index,nofollow = index the page but dont follow the links
noindex,nofollow = dont index page, dont follow the links
all = same as index,follow
none = same as noindex,nofollow
Now move on to body part of the page
Include all top 3 keywords here,
I would suggest to break the keyword and use it...
For example one stop for all kind of Latest Tech News and Computer Related information and reviews.................
Include main keywords in tags
and start with
and then move to
tag will be too big but CSS can help you there, define small font size in css for H1,H2,... tags
When done with page copy, then you need to provide title and alt tags for images and links.
Use some keywords in the tags but dont add all the keywords and if not neccessary then dont use keywords in it, basically it should explain what is image all about.
Remember to add Top keyword atleast 4 times in the body and other 2 keywords thrice and twice respectively.
Now move on to Footer Part
Try to include top keywords here and see the effect, use site keywords as links i.e.
Now finally, you need to read some more stuff..may be you can all it as bottom lines...
Site Map - This is page where you need to put all the links present in your site, this is will help Search Engines to find the links easily and also provide link for site map in footer, as search engines start scanning the page from bottom.
Robots.txt - This file contains address of directories which should not be scanned by search engines.. more info can be found here : / search engines line google, yahoo ask for robots.txt file.
Valid HTML - Your code should have valid html and doc type, Its kind of diffucult to follow all the standards but you can atleast open and close all the tags properly, you can check your page's html online here : / or you can use this free software called HTML Tidy : /
All done now, you just need to check your site with this script, its called SEO Doctor : /
It'll show you the report of your site with solution.
Now, correct the errors and start submitting the site :
Start with google : /
then yahoo : /
then move to altavista,alltheweb and other search engies..
Also submit your site to direcories like / , / etc...
Dmoz is must, as google, yahoo and may more search engines uses same directory
And remember, dont try to SPAM with keywords in these directories, dmoz is handled by Human Editors
Submitted the sites, but still i cant see you site on top?
Wait for sometime may be a month or so but keep an eye on your search term, use / - this will show whenever google updates for your keywords, it will mail you the new results.
And also check whether your site is listed on google..
use this tool called Google Monitor, it can be downloaded for free from : /
Aku agak kecewa bila tengok cerita Budak Kelantan nie. Kenapa kecewa? Pasal cerita ini seolah-olah nak menunjukan betapa ganasnya budak-budak kelantan. Walaupn ini ialah kehidupan reality, terasa pulak bahawa semua orang kelantan nie jahat-jahat semua. Pendek kata cerita ini cuba menjatuhkan martabat orang-orang kelantan yang berada diperantauan. Minum ubat batuk, rogol,jual perempuan... Hurm...
Bila aku tengok cerita ini pn aku terasa takut jugak bila nak pergi luar dari KL. Takut orang luar mula memandang enteng terhadap orang kelantan.
Watak yang dilakonkan oleh Jahar memang menjadi manakala watak Danny X-Factor kurang menonjol.