Today,there r number of wesites,which offer you webspace and areasonable good URL,for free.This service has become most popularas it is the easiest and fastest way of puting up ur site on net,getting an identity for ur self and becoming a part of huge web.
But The problem is they put Huge banners In that free sevice .
How To remove that?
its easy
follow the steps down
The banners Which r embedded r just about the only source of income for these websites,so if u r caught carrying out any of the below 'No Banner'
tricks,then u would possible lose ur account. So BEWARE!!!
For Geocities,,angel fire,freeservers,50 megs,fortune city,netscape
place the below code after the end HTML tag:
Place the below code any where on the page:
the above snippet will give an error and normally no other Java script code would be executed,so no banner would be displayed.however ,it doesn't work in all cases ,so there is yet another Hack for angelfire:Surround the BODY tag with the below code
If in case any thing doesn't work I am not responsible
if u want for any other free webhost i will give req here
Here are some more for you guys, good luck and have fun
Banner Kills
Tripod Insert between the tag
Angelfire Insert anywhere in the tag (for pop-up option)
BizLand Insert anywhere in the tag
DigiWeb Insert anywhere
DomainDLX Insert after the tag
EasySpace Insert after the tag
Geocities Add this after the
Namezero Insert in the tag
Virtual AveInsert after the tag Insert below an below
1 comment:
code?? mana code?? hahahah!!
blogspot baca yang ko nak show as ayat sebagai code hahah!!! tak macam blogdrive, dia boleh split mana nak jadikan ayat dan mana nak jadikan html code.
Tapi still boleh avoid kat blogspot ni, ko boleh guna textarea code
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